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By Light offers customers and partners access to major government contracts. We connect agencies to By Light capabilities and solutions through a variety of contract vehicles.

Below is just a sampling of the contracts, schedules, and vehicles By Light currently maintains.


Government-Wide MACs and IDIQs


Visit the GSA Alliant2 page.

Alliant 2, GSA’s premier enterprise GWAC, provides flexible access to customized IT solutions from a large, diverse pool of industry partners that include a $75 Billion program ceiling and a five-year base period with one five-year option. The scope of the Alliant 2 GWAC includes any and all components of an integrated Information Technology (IT) solution, including all current and any new technologies which may emerge during the life cycle of the Contract, and IT systems and services in support of National Security Systems, as defined in FAR 39.002. The primary Alliant 2 support areas include:

  • Service Access Delivery
  • Service Platform and Infrastructure
  • Component Framework
  • Service Interface and Integration
  • Customer Service
  • Process Automation
  • Business Management
  • Business Asset Services
  • Business Analytical Services
  • Back Office Services
  • Support Services (Security, Systems, and Forms Management, Communications)
  • DoDEA Mission Area Support
  • Controls and Oversight
  • Risk Management and Mitigation
  • Regulatory Development
  • Planning and Resource Allocation
  • System and Network Controls

Contract Number: 47QTCK18D0020
Performance Period: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2028

Program Manager:
Robert Stanton
[email protected]

Contracts Administrator:
Maureen Soldano
[email protected]

Army Modernization Program (AMP)

Multiple Award Contract (MAC) Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) awarded by Army Research Laboratory to support requirements of the Army Research Laboratory, the Department of Defense, and other Government agencies. Services include applied research, advanced technology development, and demonstration, validation and operational systems development to support the Army Modernization plan and its priorities. Those priorities are long-range precision fire, next generation combat vehicle, future of vertical lift platforms, advanced Army networks, advanced air and missile defense, and soldier lethality and protection.

Contract Number: W911NF-23-D-0011
Contract Type: CPFF/FFP
Period of Performance: May 31, 2023 – May 30, 2028
Ceiling: $900M
Government Point of Contact: [email protected]

Program Manager:
Kirt Lawson
[email protected]

Contracts Administrator:
Maureen Soldano
[email protected]


CESI, the Prime on Cyber TRIDENT, supports U.S. DoD organizations, other non-DoD agencies, and foreign allies who have related cyber training and mission rehearsal needs for offensive and defensive cyber operations. Under Cyber TRIDENT, CESI provides planning, management, integration, development, maintenance, operation, and evolution for the virtual simulation environment capability, PCTE training platform, and the Joint Cyber Training Enterprise (JCTE). CESI provides total system/subsystem acquisition life cycle support for the PCTE system baseline. This effort includes management, maintenance, and evolution of the PCTE platform including architecture and product management; Agile development and delivery SE processes; development and automation; HW and SW infrastructure management; user event support; prototyping capability integration; DevOps environment management; third-party technology insertion, orchestration, and integration of COTS and Government off the Shelf (GOTS) SW tools into the platform; distributed CM among various vendors and stakeholders; product development, enhancements, and deployment; product sustainment; PCTE infrastructure tool management, testing, verification, validation, and transition across the product release cycle; and onsite and remote field engineering support.

Contract Number: W900KK22D0002
Customer: Army, PEO STRI/ACC-Orlando
Contract Type: IDIQ – FFP/CPFF
Period of Performance: December 1, 2021 – November 30, 2029
Ceiling:  $957.8M over 8-year ordering period

Technical POC:
Stephen Lopez
[email protected]

Contractual POC:
Jackie Bushway
[email protected]

Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)

Visit the DISA Encore III page.

Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) ENCORE III is a multiple-award, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) TO contract vehicle to provide global IT solutions, services, and support to the military services, the Department of Defense (DoD), and other Federal agencies. This vehicle has an established $17.5 Billion ceiling value, and one 5-year base period and five 1-year option periods, allowing for long-term planning of large-scale program requirement.

Contract Number: HC1028-18-D-0018
Contract Type: IDIQ
Issued by: Defense Information Systems Agency
Ceiling: $17.5B
Task Order Types: T&M, FFP, Cost Reimbursable
Base Period: March 12, 2018 – March 11, 2023
Five Option Years: March 12, 2023 – March 11, 2028

[email protected]

Army ITES-3S

Army ITES-3S 

The Department of the Army, Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology [ASA(ALT)], Program Executive Office, Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS), PD Computer Hardware, Enterprise Software and Solutions (PD CHESS), awarded the third iteration of the Information Technology Enterprise Solutions (ITES) Services (ITES-3S) for enterprise mission support service solutions. ITES-3S task orders cover nearly all facets of Enterprise IT, including: telecommunications, cybersecurity, supply-chain management, education, training, integration and consolidation, process engineering and operation and maintenance.

By Light Professional IT Services LLC is proud to be a prime contract holder on the ITES-3S contract vehicle. ITES-3S currently has 119 prime contractors – 42 large businesses and 77 small businesses. The U.S. Army Contracting Command is serving as the contracting activity. Managed by the US Army’s Computer Hardware, Enterprise Software and Solutions (CHESS) program the indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract will continue for a period of nine years through September 23, 2027. The firm-fixed-price and time-and-materials contract serves as the primary source of information technology (IT)-related services for the US Army across the globe.

Contract W521J-18-D-A102
Contract Agency:  Army Contracting Command (ACC)
Contract Type:  Multiple Award IDIQ
Period of Performance: September 25, 2018 – September 25, 2027
Contract Website:  https://chess.army.mil/

Program Manager:
Kirt Lawson
[email protected]

Contracts Administrator:
Maureen Soldano
[email protected]

Army RS3

A Multiple Award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Performance Based Services Contract providing customized best value solutions to a diverse group of organizations that span the spectrum of Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) mission requirements. The RS3 Contract has a $37.4B ceiling with a 10-year ordering period (five-year base ordering period and five-year optional ordering period). The RS3 Contract’s primary service areas include but are not limited to Engineering; Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E); Logistics; Acquisition and Strategic Planning; Education and Training Services.

Contract Number: W15P7T19D0017
Contract Agency:  Army Contracting Command (ACC) Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG)
Contract Type:  Multiple Award IDIQ
Period of Performance: October 18, 2018 – May 14, 2027
Ceiling: $37.4B
Contract Website:  https://acc.army.mil/contractingcenters/acc-apg/RS3/

Program Manager:
Kirt Lawson
[email protected]

Contracts Administrator:
Maureen Soldano
[email protected]

General Services Administration (GSA) Schedules

Complex Commercial SATCOM Solutions (CS3)

Visit the CS3 page.

Complex Commercial SATCOM Solutions, known as CS3, offers complex satellite communications solutions and professional satellite engineering services to meet your agency’s unique SATCOM needs.

Contract Number: GS00Q17NRD4003
Contract type: Multiple award IDIQ
Order types: FFP or T&M
Ceiling: $2.5B
Period of Performance: Ends October 15, 2027 – 5 years with one 3-year and one 2-year option period,

GSA Multiple Award Schedules (MAS)

Our GSA Multiple Award Schedules available offerings include commercial goods and services organized by 12 Large Categories, corresponding Subcategories, and SINs.

Performance Period End Date: March 16, 2028

Performance Period End Date: June 5, 2025

Performance Period End Date: March 28, 2039

WOSB 47QTCA20D0043

Performance Period End Date: January 5, 2040

[email protected]

Agency-Specific IDIQs

SETI Small Business

The Systems Engineering, Technology and Innovation (SETI) Contract vehicle will provide a suite of information technology (IT) engineering services, expertise, and support in the planning, research, development, integration, and implementation activities for future, proposed, current, and legacy Department of Defense (DoD)

and Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) IT capabilities, services, and systems. It will deliver complex IT engineering support services throughout the entire acquisition lifecycles of DoD and DISA solutions, systems, and system components.

Contract Number: HC1047-19-D-2020
Contract type: Multiple award IDIQ
Order types: FFP, T&M/LH, CR line items
Ceiling: $57.25M
Period of performance: July 8, 2019 – July 7, 2028

[email protected]

VA T4 Next Generation  (T4NG) 

The Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology Next Generation (T4NG) contract is a Master IDIQ with a five-year base period and five-year option period. Services include: program management, strategy, enterprise architecture and planning; systems/software engineering; software technology demonstration and transition; test and evaluation; independent verification and validation; enterprise network; enterprise management framework; operations and maintenance; cybersecurity; training; information technology facilities; and other solutions encompassing the entire range of IT and Health IT requirements, to include software and hardware incidental to the solution.

Contract Number: VA118-16-D-1019
Contract type: Multiple award IDIQ
Order types: FFP, T&M/LH, CR line items
Ceiling: $22.3B
Period of Performance: Base Ordering Period 5 years with one 5-year option period

[email protected]

VA T4 Next Generation 2 (T4NG2)

The Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology Next Generation (T4NG2) contract is a Master IDIQ with a five-year base period and five-year option period. Services include: program management, strategy, enterprise architecture and planning; systems/software engineering; software technology demonstration and transition; test and evaluation; independent verification and validation; enterprise network; enterprise management framework; operations and maintenance; cybersecurity; training; information technology facilities; and other solutions encompassing the entire range of IT and Health IT requirements, to include software and hardware incidental to the solution.

Contract Number: 36C10B24D0009
Contract type: Multiple award IDIQ
Order types: FFP, T&M/LH, CR line items
Ceiling: $60.7B
Period of Performance: Base Ordering Period 5 years with one 5-year option period

[email protected]


This contract for the United States Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) has a continued need for non-personal services Telecommunications Support for C4IM (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Information Management) Unified Capabilities; Information Technology Services (ITS); Land Mobile Radio (LMR) Network Management; and Inside/Outside Plant (to include Tier I and II support). This Information Management Communications Systems (IMCS) IV acquisition includes a five-year ordering period.

Contract Number: W91RUS23D0019
Contract Type:  Multiple Award IDIQ
Contract Agency: U.S. Army NETCOM
Ceiling: $990M
Period of Performance: June 18, 2023 – June 17, 2028

[email protected]


In response to task orders issued under this contract by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Naval Supply Systems Command, Military Sealift Command, Naval Facilities Command, Office of Naval Research, or the United States Marine Corps, the Contractor shall provide services that potentially span the entire spectrum of mission areas and technical capabilities supported by the Department of the Navy (DON) ordering activities. Services within the 2 Categories with 23 functional area subcategories identified below may be performed under this contract for new and existing product areas, programs, or missions, which are assigned to these activities during the life of the contract.

Services to be provided under this contract are categorized into the following categories:
1. Engineering Services
2. Program Management Services

This contract, known as SeaPort- Next Generation (SeaPort-NxG) does not allow for the direct procurement of supplies or hardware. Any material or products ordered shall be incidental and in direct support of performed services (for example, small scale testing equipment, prototypes, or spares.)

Contract Number: N0017819D7289
Contract Type:  Multiple Award IIDIQ
Contract Agency:  U.S. Department of the Navy
Period of Performance: January 2, 2019 – January 1, 2029 (includes 5-yr Base Period plus a 5-yr option)

[email protected]

Training Systems Acquisition IV (TSA IV)

The $32.5 billion Training Systems Acquisition IV IDIQ provides for the analysis, design, development, production, installation, integration, testing, and sustainment of Air Force training systems. Task orders on the vehicle encompass complex aircrew, maintenance, and system-specific training systems in support of warfighter training.

Contract Number: FA862123DB022
Contract Type:  Multiple Award IDIQ
Contract Agency:  U.S. Air Force (USAF)
Ceiling: $32.5B
Period of Performance: June 1, 2023 – May 31, 2033

[email protected]

US SPACEFORCE Eastern Western Operational Communications Services (EWOCS)

The contract for Eastern Western Operational Communications Services (EWOCS), is a single award Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) with a base ordering period of five years, two one-year option periods, and a program ceiling of $285 million. The contract is managed by the 45th Contracting Squadron, Space Operations Command, Patrick Space Force Base, FL. EWOCS is an acquisition program to provide communication services for voice, data, and video to support the launch and test range capabilities of the 45th Space Wing (45 SW) based at Patrick Space Force Base (SFB), FL, and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station (CCSFS), FL, as well as the 30th Space Wing (30 SW) based at Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB), CA.

Contract Number: FA252121D0003
Contract Type:  Multiple Award IDIQ
Contract Agency: U.S. Space Force
Ceiling: $285M
Period of Performance: January 1, 2021 – September 30, 2028

[email protected]

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